Best Placements & Investments (Top 6)


There are a lot of different investments out there.  However, there is no single best investment: depending on your needs and goals, the best investment will not be the same.Whether for the long term or the short term, for security or performance, to reduce your taxes or to generate regular income, we guide you towards the most suitable investment or investments!

Find the best investment for your needs

Each investment has its own characteristics. To find the best investment, you will therefore need to take into account:
  • performance (obviously);
  • risk taking;
  • Taxation;
  • the availability of savings;
  • the  investment horizon to which it is suited.
Yes, there is no such thing as a risk-free, profitable, and always available investment! In fact, we can even say that  the most profitable investments are also those with the greatest uncertainty and fluctuations. First of all, you must therefore evaluate your own preferences with regard to these different criteria.

The best unblocked investments

The following chart gives a general idea of ​​the best liquid investments (in other words, those for which your savings are always available). Here is a comparison of net returns:

In the long term, stock market investments are the most profitable. By investing in a diversified basket of stocks, you can obtain a  performance of around 8.5% per year before tax. If the stock market is something new to you, know that it is not rocket science. You do not need to be a millionaire or an expert in financial markets. In fact, you can even invest with 50 or 100 euros by spending only about twenty minutes per year (we detail this in our guide “How to invest well in the stock market?”).To put it simply, know that to invest in the stock market there are essentially two components:
  1. The account (or tax envelope) : PEA, securities account, life insurance and PER. This is the container: it is from one of these accounts that you will be able to make your various stock market investments strictly speaking. As the previous graph shows, the choice of account has consequences on the tax treatment of the gains.
    Investment  : for example one or more shares, bonds, an investment fund or an ETF. It is this investment that will generate dividends and capital gains and therefore gains in the future.

Among the various possible investments, I advise you to opt for ETFs. These are investment funds that replicate a stock market index and this has at least two advantages:

  • they are very diversified, which helps reduce fluctuations in your investment;
  • their fees are reduced (less than 0.5% per year).
Before reviewing the best investments one by one, let’s see what the same graph gives if we now consider blocked investments.

The best blocked investments

This time, Crowdfunding equity comes out on top in terms of performance. This investment consists of investing in the capital of startups or investing in growing SMEs. It goes without saying that it is the riskiest investment. In addition to being an illiquid investment, you do not know when you will get your stake back. It is therefore not to be put in everyone’s hands. In the following we detail our selection of the best investments with, as a key, the cheapest banks and brokers! And if you prefer to be guided step by step, you can directly use our free simulator , and obtain a recommendation of the two investments best suited to your objective.

#1 The stock market, the best long-term investment

Advantages and disadvantages of the stock market


Performance : 8.5% on average
Favorable taxation (with PEA or life insurance)
Fairly low fees (with the right broker)
Available at any time


High volatility

To start on the stock market, we recommend that you open a PEA which is the tax envelope with the most advantageous taxation: in fact, after 5 years of holding, all your gains are tax-exempt (they remain subject to social security contributions, however). Within your PEA, we recommend that you invest in ETFs which will allow you to have broad diversification and reduced management fees. In addition, the PEA’s drawback is that it is restricted to European stocks only, which is not ideal for diversification. But there is a trick since a certain number of international ETFs are eligible for the PEA . The ETF in shares + PEA combination is therefore a winner and will allow you to easily achieve 7 to 8% average annual profitability, net of tax.
The best PEAs

To start investing, here are the three PEAs that we recommend:

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

When to invest in the stock market?

The  stock market is the best performing investment, but its volatility is high  . This means that the performance of your investment will not be regular. You can gain 15% one year and lose 5% the following year. You must therefore consider the stock market in the long term: you must, at a minimum, have an investment horizon of more than 5 years. To invest in the stock market with peace of mind, we recommend that you have a solid precautionary savings account that you can dip into in case of hard times.  This way, you don’t risk needing money when the stock market is down, which is the best way to realize losses. Life insurance allows you to build up precautionary savings effectively.

Set aside part of your assets for guaranteed or low-risk precautionary savings , typically the equivalent of 6 months of current expenses .
And invest the rest in the longer term (or in the stock market and, to a lesser extent, in real estate).

#2 Life insurance, to modulate your risk-taking


Secured with the euro fund
Performs well with stock market and real estate supports
Favorable taxation (after 8 years)
Benefits of succession
Available at any time


Fees (higher than in the PEA)

To avoid paying high fees, choose one of the best life insurance policies from our comparison.

Life insurance is a multifaceted and multifunctional investment that is divided into two compartments:

  1. The euro fund , whose guaranteed capital,
  2. The units of account , which group together are investment vehicles in the stock market and in real estate.

The euro fund: the best risk-free investment

If you are allergic to any risk-taking, you can invest in the euro fund of a life insurance policy : it is a fund with guaranteed capital . Note in passing that, contrary to popular belief, you can withdraw your savings from your life insurance policy at any time, even during the first eight years. With a return that can exceed 4% and thanks to the absence of a ceiling, the euro fund is therefore the best risk-free investment provided you choose your life insurance carefully. To diversify your precautionary savings a little, you can also invest part of it in real estate vehicles such as SCIs . These are well-diversified and low-risk real estate funds. We tell you more about SCIs in life insurance right here

Units of account for investing in the stock market

Life insurance is not only a useful investment to build up good precautionary savings. In addition to euro funds and real estate investments, you can also invest in the stock market, with investment funds and the famous ETFs we mentioned above.

What’s more, life insurance benefits from advantageous taxation (a little less than the PEA) and a tax framework that is very favorable to inheritance (we will come back to this point later).

this point, the best combination of investments is therefore as follows:

Precautionary savings : life insurance with euro funds and SCI.
Long-term savings : PEA with ETF (up to the ceiling of €150,000, then ETF in life insurance).

The best life insurance

Please note that life insurance companies that offer SCI and ETFs can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
Also, one of the drawbacks of life insurance is the fees.Fortunately, there are contracts with no entry fees and very reasonable management fees.
Here are our favorite contracts in free management, on the one hand, and in management under mandate on the other hand (which is more practical if you do not wish to choose your investment vehicles yourself).

The best self-management contracts

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

#3 The Livret A remains the best VERY short-term investment

In addition to your precautionary savings and your long-term savings, I recommend keeping savings that can be easily mobilized for pleasure purchases, to replace your smartphone, or to go on vacation: this is availability savings.

The prerequisite for this savings is to be available in three clicks and fully guaranteed (which limits the choice).

The best solution for disposable savings is simply the Livret A. Its rate was raised to 3% per year (net of tax) on February 1, 2023, which is not so bad for a risk-free and tax-free investment. Its cousin, the LDDS (Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet) is also at 3%.

It is not really useful to fill your Livret A and your LDDS to the ceiling, €5,000 is generally enough, a little more if you are a spender. The surplus of your assets can be invested with greater performance in other investments.

 : if you know that you are going to need a large sum in one or two years, to buy your main residence for example, then savings accounts are perfectly suitable. And, if you are above the ceilings, a bank account or a term account can be good complements.

#4 Real estate crowdfunding, the best short-term investment

If you are looking for a short-term investment that is profitable, you can turn to real estate crowdfunding . This type of participatory financing consists of financing a real estate development operation (or that of a property dealer). With real estate crowdfunding, you therefore lend money to developers for their work and you receive interest in return.

Real estate crowdfunding projects have a duration that can range from 12 months to 36 months with returns displayed in the order of 8% per year. It is therefore one of the best investments for the short term.

Be careful though, your money is completely blocked until the end of the operation and the risk is not negligible. The developer may encounter difficulties in reselling the property, which then results in late payments, or even a loss of capital if he resells at a loss. While the real estate market is seizing up, financing renewable energy projects (solar farm or wind farm) seems less risky and works in the same way ( see our comparison of crowdfunding platforms ).

However, if you want to invest in the short term with a guaranteed investment , you can look at the best term accounts . This time, no surprises: the rate and maturity are known in advance.


Performance : you can aim for a high return, of around 8% per year
It is a short-term investment : 1 to 3 years
Zero fees (they are taken from the promoters)


Your money is blocked
Your placement is not guaranteed

#5 SCPIs, the best investment to generate regular income

If you have already accumulated sufficient savings and would like to draw a regular income from them, we recommend SCPIs.


Regular and stable rents : 4% to 7% per year
Moderate risks
Money not blocked
Possibility to invest on credit


High entry fees (around 10%), unless you opt for the few SCPIs without fees
High taxation (subject to IR, unless via life insurance)

SCPIs (Sociétés Civiles de Placements Immobiliers) are investment companies that buy buildings (residential, office, or commercial premises) to rent them out. As an investor, you then receive a portion of the rent from its real estate portfolio.

 It is therefore a real estate investment without the constraints : you do not have to find an apartment and tenants yourself. The regularity of the rents makes it one of the best investments for a retirement supplement. You can aim for an average return of around 4.5% and even higher than 6% with certain SCPIs.

Here is a selection of three SCPIs that we particularly like:

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Investing in SCPIs via life insurance

The taxation of SCPIs is quite punitive, especially if your marginal tax bracket is high.

But there is a trick, some life insurance policies allow you to invest in SCPIs . From a tax rate of 30%, 41% or 45% depending on your marginal tax bracket, you can therefore go down to 7.5% and benefit from the annual life insurance deductions .

Be careful though, there are not many contracts that manage SCPIs well. We recommend Linxea Spirit 2 and Placement Direct Vie , which come out on top in our comparison of life insurance dedicated to SCPIs.

#6 The PER, the best investment to reduce your taxes

There are many investments that allow you to reduce your taxes and the PER is one of our favorites.

 The PER (Retirement Savings Plan) allows you to deduct your payments from your taxable income. In concrete terms, if you invest 10,000 euros every year and your taxable income is 100,000 euros, then you will only pay taxes on 90,000 euros, i.e. an immediate tax saving of 4,100 euros if, as in this example, you are in the marginal bracket of 41%. Note, however, that the amount deductible each year is capped (by the retirement savings ceiling ).

Like life insurance, the PER is an envelope that allows you to invest in the stock market, in real estate funds, or in a euro fund with guaranteed capital. In addition to advantageous taxation, you therefore have the possibility of composing your investment portfolio à la carte, according to the desired risk profile.


  • Deduction of payments from your taxable income
  • Performance with the stock market and real estate
  • Security with the euro fund


  • Exit taxation
  • Your savings are blocked (until you retire)

Keep in mind that with the PER you defer taxation over time : payments are deductible from your taxable income, but all withdrawals are taxed upon withdrawal (capital and capital gains). The tax gain will therefore be all the more interesting if your tax is high at the time of payments and low at the time of withdrawals.

Also note that the PER is blocked until retirement. However, there are cases of early withdrawal: the purchase of your main residence and certain accidents in life.

The PER is particularly well suited if you are over 45 or 50 years old, so that your savings will not be blocked for too long. In addition, you also maximize your tax gain because your income is often higher at the end of your career (and your taxes too).

The best PERs

As with other investments, we advise you not to go to your usual bank branch to open a PER. In fact, it is with online brokers that you will obtain the best pricing conditions.

Here are the two best PERs that we have selected (one in free management and the other in managed management).

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review

Bourse Direct

The cheapest PEA on the market!
1000 € offered
Bourse Direct review
We could also have mentioned the PER of Nalo or that of Ramify; we tell you more in our complete comparison.

Other tax-exempt investments

The PER is not the only investment that allows you to reduce your taxes. You will find a complete list in this comparison dedicated to tax exemption. However, I would like to mention two other very interesting investments:

Forestry groups, which allow you to invest in French forests. This little-known investment nevertheless has many advantages. It is a stable and low-risk investment with a return of around 2% per year. But above all, it is an investment that allows you to reduce your taxes by around 18 to 25% of the amount invested, which is almost not subject to the IFI, and which benefits from an advantageous inheritance framework.

  • Crowdequity (or equity crowdfunding). This investment allows you to invest in the capital of SMEs and start-ups experiencing strong growth. This investment also allows you to deduct between 18% and 25% of the amount invested from your taxes.
  • However, unlike forestry groups, it is a risky (or even very risky) investment that can nevertheless prove extremely profitable in the long term.


These investments are not very liquid, if at all. It is therefore advisable not to abuse them. I recommend them exclusively to people who already have a good precautionary savings and a well-stocked PEA. In any case, they should not exceed 5 to 10% of your financial assets.
Also note that their tax advantage is limited by the overall ceiling of tax breaks.

The best investments to optimize your estate

Inheritance tax can be prohibitive, especially if you have a significant amount of wealth: up to 45% in a direct line (if your children inherit) and up to 60% between non-relatives. However, certain investments have decisive advantages for reducing the bill:
  1. Life insurance  : it has its own inheritance regime (life insurance is said to be « outside the inheritance »). Not only does this reduce the tax base, life insurance also benefits from an allowance of €152,500 per beneficiary and per insured (you and your spouse, for example). But be careful, only amounts paid before the age of 70 are affected. We detail this in our article on the inheritance of life insurance.
  2. The PER  : your payments into a retirement savings plan are eligible for a tax deduction. However, when withdrawing, the capital AND capital gains are taxed. On the other hand, when transferring your PER to your heirs, the tax deductions are definitively acquired. In addition, if you die before you turn 70, the life insurance regime applies. > We tell you more in our article on PER succession.
  3. Forestry groups  : the net value of forestry assets benefits from a 75% reduction in inheritance tax; just that!We tell you more in our article dedicated to forestry groups.
As a reminder, you will find the best life insurance policies here  and  the best PERs there .

The best eco-responsible investments

Optimisation de la gestion locative

To conclude our overview of the best investments, let’s mention ecological or eco-responsible investments. They are in reality a subcategory of certain investments seen previously:

  • You can invest in the stock market with a selection of environmentally friendly companies, in particular with investment funds or ETFs called SRI. AND this can be done in a life insurance policy, a PEA or a PER.
  • You can also invest in eco-responsible projects on certain specialized crowdfunding platforms.

To find out more, read our article dedicated to eco-responsible investments!

The Super Comparison Table

We have summarized this overview in the following table:
Investment horizon Investment type Risk Average gross yield Taxation Tax exemption Comparison and selection
Livret A and LDD Short term Monetary Null 3% Exempt Best online bank Passbook
Passbook Short term Monetary Null 1 to 3% PFU Best booklet
Term account Short term Monetary Null 1 to 4% PFU Best Term Account
Real estate crowdfunding Short term Bond AVERAGE 8% PFU Real estate crowdfunding platforms

Conclusion: which investment to choose?

Reading the previous table, you may feel spoiled for choice. There are many investments and their characteristics are varied. You can use our free simulator to get a recommendation of the two investments best suited to your situation. In any case, know that you should not limit yourself to a single investment. A well-managed heritage will involve the use of several investments in order to benefit from the advantages specific to each of them. The diagram below gives you an example of a typical distribution of an already mature financial heritage:
Of course, this will need to be modulated according to your profile and your needs. Nevertheless, this generic distribution gives you a good starting point for managing your assets. Here are our tips: Availability savings: keep a few thousand euros in your livret A or LDDS. Precautionary savings:
  • Aim for 6 months of living expenses in case of a crisis. If you don’t have this amount set aside, schedule regular payments.
  • Life insurance is the best investment for this, with the euro fund and, why not, SCI to improve the return.Best life insurance
  • Long-term investments: this is the biggest chunk.
    • If you have reached the required amount for your precautionary savings, this should represent the rest of your assets. Otherwise, divide your regular payments between these two “compartments”.
    • Get started with PEA and a globally diversified ETF portfolio Best PEA
    • Continue with life insurance and PER Best PER
    • The day you have built up a substantial capital and you want to draw regular income from it (when you retire, for example), transfer part of your assets to SCPIs. > Best SCPIs
  • Diversification investments : to consider when the first 3 steps are well mastered, to reduce your taxes and diversify your investments:
    • Crowdfunding, Forestry Groups, and why not a little touch of cryptocurrencies for the more intrepid!
  • Up to you!

    frequently asked Questions

    It all depends on your profile and your goal! To tell the truth, there is no investment, but a better combination of investments.

     In the very short term (6 to 18 months), it will be difficult to do better than your Livret A and your LDDS. Over a horizon of 1 to 3 years, real estate crowdfunding is, however, an interesting alternative, because it performs much better. We tell you more in our article on short-term investments.

    The stock market is undoubtedly the best long-term investment. But to invest in the stock market, you must first choose a tax envelope. We tell you more in our guide  » How to invest in the stock market?

    If you don’t want to take any risks, there are several options available to you: savings accounts, term accounts and euro funds. We tell you more in our article on risk-free investments.

    What is the best investment for retirement?To properly prepare for your retirement, there are many solutions: life insurance, PER, PEA, SCPI. It is often a combination of investments that will need to be considered. We tell you more in our article dedicated to retirement investments.

     Quite frankly, no Crédit Agricole investment is good. The booklets offer ridiculous rates, Crédit Agricole life insurance policies are full of fees and the same goes for stock market investments. To find the best investments, we recommend that you turn to investment specialists!

     Gold is an interesting investment as a safe haven and to fight against inflation and even hyperinflation . However, it is a diversification investment that should not represent a large part of your assets. We explain how to buy gold here.

    The PER is particularly well suited if you are over 45 or 50 years old, so that your savings will not be blocked for too long. In addition, you also maximize your tax gain because your income is often higher at the end of your career (and your taxes too).